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Shop and Ship

Adwhit Lojistk's Shop and Ship Centre in Istanbul, Turkey

Our Shop and Ship Centre is the number one service for consolidating personal and commercial goods in Turkey.

There used to be a great problem for anyone interested in buying from Turkish companies: Turkish companies do not support international shipping services. This forced customers to pay extremely high cost of shipping using courier services such as DHL, Aramex, UPS and FedEx.

At the Shop and Ship Centre at Adwhit Lojistik, our customers can use the Control Panel to track their items and pay the cost of international shipping by using electronic payment systems.

Shop and Ship Steps

  1. Registering on the Adwhit Lojistik website to get an address in Turkey.
  2. Using your address for buying from Turkish websites.
  3. Using the Control Panel and tracking your purchases at Adwhit Lojistik.
  4. Consolidating your purchases and working out the total weight and cost of your shipment.
  5. Setting the delivery address for the final destination.
  6. Using the card payment process.
  7. Tracking your shipments throughout the shipping process.

1. Registering on the Adwhit Lojistik website to get an address in Turkey

To start to shop and ship with us, you need to register on our website.

You register through this registration link and follow the instructions.

Note: You can log into our website by using your Facebook account. This is a secure method of access authorised by Facebook.

2. Using your address for buying from Turkish websites

First, you need to register on the Turkish website that you wish to buy from, using your personal information.

After you have completed the registration, you can start buying on their website and collect your purchases in the shopping cart. At the checkout, follow the purchasing process until you are asked to enter the delivery address.

Enter the full address of your Personal Postal Box. You received this when you registered with us. If you log onto our website, you can copy the address of your Personal Postal Box from the Control Panel and paste it into the delivery address on the website where you are shopping. The address is shown in the following image:

3. Using the Control Panel and tracking your purchases at Adwhit Lojistik

After registering at our website and obtaining membership, your registered name will appear at the top of the page.

You can access the Control Panel by clicking on your name and selecting Shop and Ship Centre.

If you are purchasing from Turkish websites and you have used the address of your Personal Postal Box to send your purchases to, delivery will take 3 - 5 business days. When they arrive, your purchases will appear on the Control Panel, where images of them can be seen as well as the weight of each item.

If you order from multiple websites or you make multiple orders from the same website with multiple payments, the purchases may not arrive on the same date, and they will appear as they arrive.

4. Consolidating your purchases and working out the total weight and cost of your shipment

The shipment's both real and volumetric weight is calculated and the higher of the two will be considered as the shipment's weight, The volumetric weight is calculated by multiplying the width, height and length of the parcel devided by 5000.

Make sure that your purchases have arrived by going to the Control Panel and clicking on Items received at your Personal Postal Box.

Here you can see the actual weight of your purchases and view them by clicking on the thumbnail images.

By clicking on the Repackage Order button, you can select the items you wish us to consolidate. The total weight after consolidation will be displayed.

If you do not want the repackaging service, then you can start the shipping process here.

5. Setting the delivery address for the final destination

After carefully checking your order, click on the Start Shipping button.

A new page will appear, where you can set the final destination address.

Do make sure that your address and phone number are entered correctly.

6. Using the card payment process

When you are sure that all the previous stages are correct, you can start the payment process.

The payment process is secure and trusted by international banks in Turkey, such as KuveytTürk and Garanti.

Items not permitted for Shop and Ship

Any liquids
Counterfeit brands
Gems and precious metals: gold, silver, diamonds, etc.
Firearms and explosive materials